Friday, December 7, 2007

As it should be.

This blog was originally to be a commentary of the big picture of how our political parties and leaders distract us with polarizing rhetoric, rather than work toward solutions for our nations issues. Now I am going to use this as a way to express and process things and emotions that are occurring in my life, instead of using family and/or friends as my emotional maxi-pads. Writing in this blog is not necessarily meant to be a plea for comfort or a cry for help, merely a way to grind out the thoughts and feelings surrounding my existence.
The name of the blog was to be meant to be a backhanded compliment to the ones I was writing about and those that "drank the kool-aid". Now it will have the real meaning of the word, as well as the sarcastic meaning of the word, and readers will have to make their own determination as it pertains to persons referenced in the script. So will you be Magnificent or "Magnificent" the choice is ultimately up to you.
Events events in my life have spurred this need for expression. I will be sharing all kinds of things with my readers, anything from my life, to thank you's, or admonishments. Please be aware I am going to be honest, as I see it from my perspective.


I have had some struggles in my life that have changed the way I want to live. Material things and self importance are no longer the end all be all. I still like comfortable things, but the need for them does not rule my life as it once did. The last big struggle was 2 years ago when I was 6 days in a hospital ICU, a stay in the ICU that I am extremely lucky to have recovered from. When you are on the ventilator for over 4 days the majority of people do not start breathing on there own again. Since this ordeal I have been making an effort to really live life in an ethical manner and to be my own advocate. I want people to have positive thoughts and feelings toward my memory. I feel that if I am remembered positively by the people I have touched in my life I have achieved life eternal. I do not necessarily think this applies to all people of faith, just that this is what God and I have agreed to. Following this belief I have begun to contact people I have touched either to make amends or to let them know they are important to me and to see if we can reconnect.
I have recently come back into contact with a few people That I have been close to. One of them is an extremely important person in my life. This is someone I shared 3 years of my life, home, and family with. Someone that even though we no longer had contact I would have helped no matter what. I am so happy that I have found my old friend, yet I am concerned to hear that this person had been looking for me but had been unable to get a message to me. It has to be said that knowing my friend had tried to contact me let me know that I had made some kind of positive impact in their life. I am thankful they are in my life again and eagerly looking forward to renewing our friendship.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Sick? Noooooooooo!

I have had the ill fortune to be sick for every Christmas for the last 10 years. I thought I had been through my hoilday illness right after thanksgiving, But no I have developed a monster cold. Well it is what it is.

I have been thinking and hearing alot about how people think of Christmas. Some think of Santa and presents, others think about the birth of Christ. Now during this time quite a few people see Jesus as a baby, but they are others who see Jesus in other ways. I think the Fuel Injected Filosofizer had an interesting viewpoint for Christ.

"I like picture Jesus with long hair and like eagles wings and he's singing lead vocals for Lenard Skinnard, with an Angel band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk"
Cal Naughton Jr.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

"Once More With Feeling"

I have had to create a new blog due to Ausin's evil empire discontinuing my e-mail. So I will sojourn once more into the blogging fray. I have new interests since my last post and will be sharing those and a few happenings in my life. I hope you all find it interesting and post in response or with comments.